Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about the Incite

Coaching Certification Course.

What is the Incite Coaching™ certification?
The Incite Coaching™ certification enables coaches, therapist’s, educators, and other professionals who coach or council people or want to coach people to use The Gibson Banning Method™ and its curriculum in their own business.
Who can become an Incite Coach™?
You can become an Incite Coach™ if you:

  • have a passion for empowering people.
  • have experience working in the life coaching, counseling, or education area; or have a passion for contributing to others.

The purpose of this certification is to authorize you to use our curriculum in your business. It does not certify you as a counselor or give you accreditation through the International Federation of Coaches (IFC.)

How can I use the level I certification?
The Level I certification enables you to: 

  • Use our curriculum to deliver your own coaching/consulting/advising services to your clients in one-on-one environments.
    • This gives you the ability to enroll clients into your practice immediately after you pass the certification test.
  • State that you use The Gibson Banning Method™ in your practice.
    • This gives you instant credibility because you will be working with a flexible system that produces predictable and long-lasting transformation that coaches and businesses are using right now to empower their clients.
  • State that you are a certified “Incite Coach™”, display your certification certificate, and use the Incite Coach™ logo in your marketing.
    • Having a certification helps clients feel confident that you can deliver what you promise.
  • Download and duplicate the approved materials located on the Incite Coaching™ membership site for direct use with your client(s).
    • Having an online resources center helps you access the material you need quickly and easily, from anywhere in the world.
  • Use the bonus tips, articles and lead magnets you receive as part of your certification for nurture campaigns to your own list.
    • Having a collection of bonus tips, articles, and lead magnets saves you many multiple hours of writing. They also give you valuable information that you can share with your community to help them better understand the new services you will be providing with your Incite Coach™ Certification.
  • Use the Coaching Package Template and Spot Coaching suggestions to create your own unique and individualized service offerings for your clients.
    • Coaching Package Templates Spot Coaching suggestions help you market your services in a way that people understand and buy.
  • Be listed on the Incite Coaching Academy™ website as a certified Incite Coach.™
    • If individuals or businesses are looking for a coach in your area, they can find you and contact you via our website.
  • Become a member of, and participate in, the Incite Coaching™ online community.
    • Being part of a community helps you share best practices, collaborate with other like-minded professionals, and get your questions answered.
  • Join our Affiliate Program and earn a commission on sales from people you have referred to us.
    • The affiliate program can help you create passive income as your business grows!  As an Incite Coach™ affiliate, you will receive a higher commission than our standard affiliates.
How many levels are there and what are the differences?

We have intentionally broken this certification into two levels so that you can get started coaching right away. Level one lets you quickly learn the curriculum and jump right into coaching your clients one-on-one with a detailed set of coaching notes. This helps you to feel confident about delivering the material immediately.

If you choose to do the Level I training the way we recommend, it will take you 18 weeks to work through the material. Or you can choose to do it more quickly. With Level II the program is personalized and has much more coaching from Beth and takes an additional six months to complete.


What CAN’T I use the certification for?
The certification does not allow you to:

1. Market yourself as the “Incite Coaching Academy” or represent yourself as an agent of our company (i.e. you will be operating your own company under your own brand).

2. Make duplicate copies of our copyrighted material to give to or sell to others. The only materials that may be duplicated are located in the Incite Coaching™ membership site (you can see a list of duplicate-able materials in Appendix A below).

This protects both our intellectual property and the value of your certification. If one of your customers wants to become a certified incite coach, they can apply and purchase on our website. (this is why it’s a great idea to be a member of our affiliate program). See Question 14.

3. Include our materials in any of your recorded or published materials without separate written consent from our Corporation–Focused Attention Inc.™.This includes NOT incorporating our work into information products (i.e. recorded workshops, training programs, tip sheets, etc.) that you create for resale or to give away. Again, this protects our intellectual property and the value of your certification.

4. Publish Incite Coaching™ content on article directories or media channel such as social media, newspapers, magazines, ezinearticles.com, etc. (The reason for this is because if all Incite Coaches submitted the same article to a distribution site such as ezinearticles.com, we would violate their policies and would dilute the Incite Coach™ brand). 

Feel free to use the bonus tips, articles and lead magnets with your own list (people who have opted in to receive information directly from you) but not for mass distribution.If you have a fabulous media opportunity and think some of our content can help you get exposure, contact us and we can put together a strategy to help you be successful.

5. Resell Incite Coaching™ materials directly. Materials may only be sold through our website. Use your affiliate link to earn a commission on your referrals! Create a certification program using any of our materials or train others to use our materials (i.e. train-the-trainer programs or certification programs).

If you own a facility and would like your employees to be able to use the Gibson Banning Method curriculum with your clients, please contact us directly at Support@InciteCoachingAcademy.com to discuss the possibilities. We are opened to collaborations/“joint venture” ideas, but these are all handled on a case-by-case basis.

How do I apply?
We accept Incite Coaches into our program through a Clarity Session process. A Clarity Session is a phone conversation with a member of our Incite Coaching Academy™ team. This conversation gives us both a chance to get to know each other and make sure this is the right certification for you.

If we both determined this program is a good fit for you, then you will be offered the opportunity to become a certified Incite Coach™.

To find out whether this program is a good fit for you and your business, you can apply for a Clarity Session by signing up on our website at https://incitecoachingacademy.com/calendar (application form is at the bottom of that page).

How long does it take to become certified?
That is the best part – it is totally up to you!  Once payment is complete and our agreement is signed, you will receive access to the Incite Coaching membership site. You don’t have to wait for a specific training date and there is no need for airplane flights and hotel rooms to purchase. Everything is available online so you can get started at your convenience from the comfort of your home or office.

The Level I training take as little as 48 to 90 hours to complete or our recommended method is to participate weekly for 18 weeks. With that method your weekly time commitment would be approximately 3 to 5 hours a week.

You will be officially certified after you have completed the Incite Coaching™ Certification Training, completed all the quizzes and passed the Incite Coaching™ Certification Test with a minimum score of 75%.

Because both the training and the certification test can be accessed at any time, you can complete the certification within a few weeks or a few months – it’s completely up to you.

What type of training is provided?

The purpose of the training is to help you be successful with the curriculum and to help you jump-start your business. The level I training is broken into the pre-work and18 easy-to-digest online video sessions, each a little over an hour long.

Course Overview

Pre-work: The Foundation

What’s the point of creating a foundation?  The Foundation creates a sturdy path to your success.

Here is what a foundation can do:

1. When you can see a big goal that fills you with excitement, your motivation is a given. You start out psyched, motivated, and inspired. If you fall off the rails, it is much easier to hop back on track.

2. A foundation creates clarity, so you can relax and enjoy the ride. You always know who’s doing what, what’s going to happen, and what you can expect from each module.

3. A foundation creates effective use of your time and money. You can feel confident that your money will be well spent. Your sessions are laid out step by step. You always know exactly where you are going, and where you will end up.

 Some Benefits of The Pre-Work for You as a Coach:

  • Get The 10 Agreements for Successful Stress-Free Coaching.
  • Instantly demonstrate the #1 Value of Long-Term Coaching.
  • Master the keys to motivating your clients so they stay with you longer and get better results.

Session 1 – 6: The D-armoring Process

Sessions 1- 6 offer you a gentle, yet fast path to prepare for deep coaching. You will begin to loosen your death grip on your old thought patterns, defenses, and default emotions that keep you endlessly spinning your wheels.

Our old opinions, feelings, and brain patterns frequently sabotage or derail the coaching process.  No longer.

Sessions 1- 6 gently help release this conditioning so that you relax, and can now see exciting new choices that were previously invisible to you.

Some benefits of sessions 1- 6 for you as a coach

  • Eliminate the Know-It-All syndrome, Victim Mentality, and other client traps.
  • Discover how to relax years of your client’s defensive behavior in just 6 weeks.
  • Learn to activate your client’s innate healing power.

Session 7 – 12: The Compass to Abundance

Here we start to uncover the deeper desires beneath your wants. Once you uncover these desires, you will be able to see the abundance and opportunities in front of you.  You cannot achieve abundance from without. There is so much meaning and freedom hidden within you, once you set aside what you are “absolutely certain” is true.  Beyond your beliefs lies your freedom.

No matter how many abundance courses you have taken, we guarantee, there are 2 or 3 surprises in the next 6 sessions that will take you under what you think is TRUE, and show you where abundance actually begins. A vast pool of opportunity now opens up for you and becomes clear, and accessible. Finally, you can follow a straight path to the abundance that has been hidden for so long.

Benefits of Sessions 7 – 12 for You as a Coach

  • Uncover the mixed signals that drive even motivated clients crazy.
  • Merge conscious and unconscious motivation to super-charge your clients’ results.
  • Earn while you learn as early as Session 8.

Session 13 – 18: The Arrival

What we want at our core is connection and to know we are loved. This is the treasure.  But we can’t arrive here alone. This is a journey we can only take with others.

When you discover the ability to allow people to be themselves and to know that they are not the source of your happiness, you are finally free to go out and actually make things happen. You can now ask for what you really want.  You can now collaborate and communicate with people on a level that has rarely been seen in this culture.

Now, successful projects start to happen, and they are fun. Connections happen and are deep and meaningful. You finally trust that you are not in it alone.  And perhaps the best part – you stop chasing happiness. You stop fighting to be comfortable. That urgent restlessness disappears. When you are finally able to be happy, both in your comfort and in your discomfort, you have arrived.

Some Benefits of Sessions 13 – 18 for You as a Coach:

  • Learn a simple process for quickly getting beyond judgments and “Crisis Mentality.”
  • Avoid burnout and empathy fatigue.
  • Discover how to resolve conflicts at the soul level.

You Also Get:

  • 2 Monthly Q&A calls with Beth – each call will last an hour and a half depending on your questions.

Once you have completed this training, you will be ready to take your certification test.


Level I give you conscious competence. Level II delivers unconscious competence, which you need to get certified for group training.

In this 4-month program, you will:

  • Design training’s specifically for your niche.
  • Expand your ability to be present.
  • Gain greater mastery.
  • And deepen your ability to lead with your authentic self.

You will have the confidence you need to guide group participants to reinvent what they thought was possible in their lives.

With Level I training you work with individual clients. There is little distraction, and you can be focused on your coaching notes. In a group situation, however, you cannot pay attention to coaching notes, you need intuitive mastery of the course material. If you are not present on a conscious and unconscious level, the group will sense it and discomfort can hijack the training.

When you complete Level II, being present is now an unconscious skill. You can be present both with the individuals in the group and with the collective soul of the group.

You can be creative and responsive in the moment, and improvise with the curriculum in real-time.

Also included in Level II, is marketing support.

Here you will:

  • Get avatar training, which helps you decide who you want to work with, so you are only working with people you love.
  • Discover niche market training, which gives you the ability to hone in on your perfect clients.
  • Hon your intuitive knowledge about the best ways to find and enroll your ideal clients into your groups, on a recurring basis.

Level II Benefits 

1. The ability to focus on the ever-changing dynamics of a group, rather than worrying about “do I know this?” and “how do I teach this?

2. The skill to work with multiple personalities. You will be able to effortlessly guide each participant in your group to get the benefits and value they came for. Even the over-communicates, the drama queens, the rebels, and the know-it-alls.

3. You will embody your own competence and leadership so that the group can relax and trust you.

4. You will intuitively know how to read the energy of the group. Easily spotting the warning signs — such as tension, confusion, and restlessness.

5. The step-by-step process allows you to build unshakable confidence so you can feel free to teach and dive right into whatever situation arises.

6. We design your training together — with Beth’s 30 years of expertise — your training flows smoothly and you get optimal results.

What do I receive once I am certified?

Once you are officially certified, you will receive:

  • Your Gibson Banning Method™ certification logo.
  • Your Gibson Banning Method™ certificate to display.
  • The ability to coach clients one-on-one using the Gibson Banning Method.
  • The first years licensing fee. (minimum $495 value.)
  • Suggestions for creating coaching packages.
  • Package of bonus Gibson Banning Method Coaching™ tips, articles, and lead magnets.
  • Marketing clarity and support materials.
  • Link to the coaching resource center with the downloadable materials.[1]
  • Listing on our Website as a Certified Incite Coach™
  • The possibility of coaching client referrals, both from your listing on our website and from our own marketing efforts.
  • “Incite Coach™ status” in our affiliate program which will give you higher affiliate commissions than our standard affiliate program (participation is optional).
  • Training and Q&A Sessions with Incite Coaching Academy.
  • Access to the online community for Incite Coaches in the Incite Coaching Community – which includes; an interactive community, inspiration, accountability, marketing, and sales support, and much, much more.

[1] You can see a list of downloadable materials in Appendix A. We add support materials periodically based on feedback from Incite coaches.

How do I become a successful coach and how will you support me?
When you are successful, we are successful!  Of course, in the end, it’s really up to you… the level of your commitment and the work you’re willing to do, but we help you in every way we can.

Here are six recommendations and some information about the support we provide to help you jump-start your coaching practice.

Create a Client Nurture Program

A client nurture program allows you to stay in contact with your current and prospective clients by systematically providing valuable tips and other useful information to them. Once you’re certified, we support you with your nurture program by providing you with a package of 7 tips, 5 articles and 2 lead magnets that you can use on your blog, newsletter or to create series for that can become another magnet. These will help you establish your expertise and let your current clients warm up to your new services.

Offer “Coaching Packages”

A coaching package is a set of sessions or distinctions grouped together to help improve in certain subject areas such as, personal heath, developing self-confidence, building resilience, parenting, achieving goals, self-esteem, business development etc. Coaching packages allow your client to realize what you have to offer is what they need. To support you with this, we make suggestions for coaching packages that you can market and sell to your community! We also give you a spot coaching document that you can use to customize these packages to fit your work style and to help you can create your own coaching packages as well.

Promote your certification

Adding the Gibson Banning Method to your coaching services will help you expand your business and differentiate you from the other life coaches in your area. To support you with this, you will receive an Incite Coach™ Logo that you can use on your website and in your marketing materials! In addition, you will be listed on our website as a certified Incite Coach™.  If someone is looking for a Coach™ in your area, they will find you!

Participate in our Affiliate Program 

Looking to generate additional revenue?  If you refer other coaches to us and they make a purchase on our website or enroll in the Incite Coach™ Certification program, you will earn a “thank you” bonus from us. As an Incite Coach™ you will earn a higher “thank you” percentage than our standard affiliates.

Network with other coaches! 

Sometimes coaches can be a bit isolated. Networking with other like-minded professionals can help you take your business to the next level. As an Incite Coach™, you will have access to our private Facebook community of Incite Coaches to bounce ideas off of, to share best practices with, and to collaborate with on projects. It’s a great way to get new ideas for growing your business!

Participate in ongoing training and Q&A Sessions 

We want you to be successful, so to support you in your business, we provide ongoing training, masterminding and Q&A sessions in areas of the curriculum, business growth, and other topics relevant to coaching.  All training is virtual and there’s no travel required. This saves you of time and money.  We provide a monthly Q&A/ mastermind call and 6 to 8 training’s or expert interviews each year.

How long is my certification good for?
Your initial investment includes one-year of the annual licensing fee. Your next licensing fee will come do 16 months after the anniversary of your enrollment. This gives you four months to become certified, and one year of licensing. So as long as you continue to pay your licensing fee, your certification continues to be in good standing.
How much does the certification cost?
There are several different investment levels depending on which package you choose. Pricing will be discussed during your clarity session.
How can I use the Gibson Banning Method™ with my clients?
As a Level, I certified coach you can use the curriculum and exercises as part of your in-person (or via telephone/Zoom/Skype) coaching. You can provide services one-on-one with your clients.

As a Level, II certified coach you can also use the curriculum and exercises as part of your in-person (or via telephone/Zoom/Skype) group coaching.

When using any of the material that is part of the curriculum, you must state the source of the materials as being from the Gibson Banning Method™ each time you use them. This is true unless you’re facilitating your client through the entire curriculum, then stating the source once at the beginning is sufficient.

Once you’re certified you will be given access to the Incite Coaching™ Resource Center that will contain all the materials you can duplicate for your clients, as well as your coaching manual that includes detailed coaching notes. You can see a list of the documents you can duplicate in Appendix A, below.

You may not incorporate any of our materials into recorded information programs that you give away or sell.  (Although you ARE permitted to record sessions for your client’s to review.)

Can I make copies of the materials?
All Incite Coaching™ materials are copyrighted by Focused Attention Inc and must maintain our copyright and branding information at all times.

As part of your certification, you will receive materials that can and cannot be copied.

To make it as easy as possible for you, we have posted all of the materials that you can make physical copies of, such as participant workbooks and exercise sheets, on the Incite Coach™ membership site and also in your initial contract.  You can also see a list of these materials in Appendix A. (Below)

If you ever have questions about this, contact us.

How does the co-branding work?
The marketing materials that you can co-branded will have a place in the header and footer for you to add your own logo and contact information. Co-branded materials let your clients know you are officially part of the Incite™ coaching family.
How can I use the Incite Coaching™ bonus content in my business?
You may use the Incite Coaching™ bonus content in your own direct communication to your list. This includes using them in your blog and/or your newsletters, website.

You MAY NOT publish them in other media outlets such as Facebook posts, magazines, newspapers, ezinearticles.com, or other online or offline article directories.

As discussed in Question 4, if we have fifty Incite Coaches submitting the same article through ezinearticles.com it will violate their policies and dilute the value of the Incite Coaching™ brand.

All articles, tips, and lead magnets must be reproduced in their entirety, unedited, and accompanied by the original copyright information or the following reprint statement:

“Copyright © 201_ Focused Attention Inc – InciteCoachingAcadamy.com All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from Beth Banning.

You may add your own “Resource Box”.  A Resource Box is a call to action that you include at the end of the article to ask the reader to do something (usually a link to your website).  It is also the place where you can say something about yourself and your credentials.

Why might we need multiple certifications?
If you have a company that has more than one person wanting to do coaching, each person will need to complete the certification requirements and earn his or her own Incite Coaching™ certification. If your company is paying for the certification you may choose to either have your company listed on our website as having certified Incite Coaches on staff, or you can choose to have each individual employee listed on our website as a certified Incite Coach.  We DO have special investment packages based on the number of people you want to get certified.  This can be discussed during your clarity call.
What is your refund policy?

Our commitment is to change people’s businesses and lives. In order to do this, we have chosen to give only a small refund window. We believe that giving refunds leaves you hesitant and less than 100% committed to this process. We understand sometimes things change and on occasion what we think we want, isn’t what we want once we get it.  We honor and respect these situations.

We also know from experience that commitments made from a sturdy foundation and intentional choice more often creates massive positive change. We want those who decide to do this certification program to know that it is the right decision for them. With that said… You can participate in the course for up to the first 3 days or 2 modules. If you do the work and don’t get value or feel you’re learning style doesn’t match how we teach, we’ll happily refund the Incite Coaching Certification purchase price less $299 for administrative costs subject to the conditions listed:

Deadline to Apply for Refund. To be eligible for a refund, you must submit your request within 3 days of your 1st payment or before you have gone past Session 2 of the curriculum – whichever comes first. The deadline exists because if you sign up for the Incite Coaching Certification, we want you to get started. If you don’t plan on starting right away but want to sign up this year we’d love to have you, but make sure this is the right investment for you as the refund does have a firm deadline.

Completed CourseWork. We’ll ask for your completed coursework (to make sure you gave it a go) and ask what didn’t work for you (so we can learn and improve).

Company Discretion. After you submit your materials, all refunds are within the Company’s sole discretion whether to grant or deny the refund request.

Please do not enroll in the Incite Coaching Certification Program if you just want to “check it out.” We put an extraordinary amount of time and effort into this program and we expect you to do the same. Incite Coaching Academy is for serious students only. No exceptions.

Please note there is a $299.00 NON-REFUNDABLE fee that is to cover the costs, time, effort, and energy of our team working to make it possible for you to participate. If you decide to get a refund from the program within the refund period please note that it will be the full amount you have paid minus the $299.00 NON-REFUNDABLE fee that will be retained by the company.

Thank you again for your interest in the Incite Coaching™ Certification Program.

If you are ready to get started, you can sign up for a clarity call by using this link: https://incitecoachingacademy.com/calendar

If you have questions, please bring them to your clarity call.  If your question is urgent or needs to be answered prior to applying for a call, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Still need help?
We’d love to hear from you!

For any other questions,
please Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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