Don’t just take our word for it…
In-Short… “This course has been positively life-changing. I have completed many programs. That’s why I had some hesitancy committing to this program because what more could I possibly learn that would make my life so much better. But this certification has truly blown me away. I wish I had learned these distinctions years ago before I had furthered my education. I believe what I’ve learned is absolutely foundational to a happy and satisfying life.”
~ Beth Summers – The Mindful Eating Coach

“I cannot turn off the faucet of opportunities that are coming right now. It’s just crazy.
Two more coaching clients this week, acquaintances of mine that have seen what this course is doing for me. It is just crazy.
I’ve also gained tremendous insights about myself and my own behaviors, as well as to why all people behave the way we do. It is awesome stuff.”
~ Lane Monson - Business Coach

“I was using another coaching model before discovering the Gibson Banning Method. The coaching method was so restrictive, it was like I was in a prison.
Once I started using this model, I felt like I was let out of jail.
This method is so flexible and I can engage my God-given creativity and intuition to benefit my clients. The results have been fantastic. I love it and so do my clients!”
~ Elizabeth Powers - Lifestyle Coach
Briefly… “When I first started this course it was to learn more coaching techniques for my clients and grow my business. I got all that, but I also got was so much more! I learned ways to help myself… self-empathy, and how to ask for what I want in ways people are more likely to give it to me. and I’m so excited to teach this to my children as well. It’s been amazingly powerful and life-changing.”
~ Kirsti Clark – Health Coach

"Now that I’m using the Gibson Banning Method I see my life from a whole new perspective. Being certified gives me more confident about who I am and what I have to offer.
I am grateful for Beth and Neill. They have truly opened doors for me that weren’t even there before.
I am thankful for their willingness to support and give feedback to help me grow and learn."

“I had read so many books and tried so many different things, but I still felt stuck. Now that I am using this method for myself and my clients, I have noticed how much more quickly we process through the discomforts in life. It’s AMAZING!
I also communicate with and understand others so much better! My relationships are stronger! I feel so free!! The Gibson Banning Method is life changing!"
“This program is profound!
I almost didn’t do this course because I had so much going on, but it was exactly what my clients and I were looking for. As I’m teaching it I continue to have downloads, shifts and constant growth and I feel so much joy. It’s truly transformational! ”
~ Lisa Winston – Authenticity Coach

"I was struggling with the leadership in my organization , but I was at a loss how to create that. As fate would have it, I met Beth through a mastermind group.
How Beth was in the world blew me away! I wanted to embody what she had, so I signed up for the course. The benefits I have received taking the Incite Coaching Certification is more than I can express in this short testimonial.
I have a new way of communicating and coaching that has resulted in that strong, happy, and connected team I was wanting. I am coaching others and helping them bring their true authentic selves to their own work. This is the type of work that changes the world!”

"I’d been doing personal development for several years, but still had no idea who I was deep down at the core. I didn’t know what my passions were, what lit me up, I had no hobbies, I couldn’t think of anything I really enjoyed doing that I could lose myself in. I was trying to be what everyone else thought I should be.
Through this course, I have uncovered so many layers and am learning who I am and truly falling in love with myself during the process, all aspects of myself.The best part of all of this is its simplicity. Who knew in a few short months (compared to the previous years of work) I would make such profound progress. This course is truly a blessing, not only to me but to my family."
Trichelle Marie
In-Short… “This course has been so powerful! Originally I focused mostly on my business, but one of the things I got from this course that wasn’t even an outcome—that I just love—is it has improved my family relationships, even one of the most difficult relationships in my life. It’s amazing! This course has had such a powerful impact on that relationship. There is less conflict, more communication, and more empathy on both sides.”
~ Cytel Schults – Voice Coach

"I have been thrilled with the Certification program. The timing was perfect for this as I wanted to add more value to my team and be a better leader and mentor. This program was well structured and organized.
I achieved all 3 of my objectives that I set at the beginning and am understanding the deeper roots to some of the things that have held me back.
I worked with my first client and have seen her grow in leaps and bounds over the last 8 weeks and that has been very fulfilling.
This program is something every single person could benefit from, including children, as it helps you look at the world and interactions with people differently. It has given me a lot of peace and clarity."
Amber Rainsberry – Coach

"When I started, all I knew was that I needed something to help push me into my coaching business. My friend suggested I do this course and I have been truly blessed by it.
This course has brought clarity, understanding and has allowed me to recognize my value and the values I want to live in.
The communication skills taught in this course will be a centerpiece for my couples coaching.
This course has also strengthened my marriage in some amazing ways.
And my wife is also taking the course. Meaning we are stronger because of the way we communicate has evolved into something masterful. I am so grateful for this program."
Synopsis… “ This program puts a mirror in your face! I came in to learn one aspect of the course and ended up learning so much more. Even familiar concepts are used differently than you’re used to. If you’re looking to get coached or to become a coach, this is by far the best choice and the way to go. It’s super effective and fast for getting to what you need. I would recommend it to anybody”
~ Tina Mitchell – Certified Coach

"This program is incredibly well organized and sequenced with innovative and very effective distinctions. A powerful program to put in my toolbox.
The course can also help any coach be more conscious of how to communicate with yourself and others in a way that is completely authentic yet free from judgment and blame. I strongly recommend this certification course!"

"Even my ‘why’ for taking this course has changed.
I came into it knowing that I needed a certification in order to help people.
But what I didn’t know or understand is that the course would help me transform MY life, then help others transform theirs.
I am very grateful for all that I have learned and for now having the tools that I need."
Briefly… "I just finished the certification program and it is absolutely life changing. When I started, I was in a place where I felt kind of stuck and I couldn't really communicate my needs. So I wanted better communication with my husband and our marriage. It was, like I said, literally life changing for us. It created a language for us to be able to communicate with each other, to be able to work through things, to have a deeper compassion for each other and a stronger connection and it's wonderful to see the shifts in our marriage and what it's done. It was awesome. I just can't say enough about it."
~ Christie Diamond – Relationship Coach

"One of the things I love about coaching in the Gibson Banning Method Is that it is a complete program that essentially teaches clients a new language.
In 18 weeks they get to the deepest of self awareness and shift out of resistance They become practiced in emotional processing and learn how to receive divine guidance.
Their ability to deal with difficult people and difficult life situations is increased 100 fold as they practice the physical, mental and emotional tools.
No matter what my clients come to me for, whether family/spouse/child issues, life struggles, or a spiritual falling out, they leave with knowing who they are, and that the gifts they have are valuable to the world,
They understand the responsibility of their agency in creating joy in their lives, and they have the tools to maintain loving communication with others who are struggling.
If you are needing deep inner work, that takes all your book knowledge and shifts it into reality in your everyday life, This is the program for you."

"When I started this course, I was stifled, stuck and burnt-out!
I had all these gifts and talents with no way to express them and I found myself serving endlessly in ways that weren’t fulfilling at all! I was honestly terrified of the idea of not hiding anymore.
One of my dear friends coached me through some of my discomfort in the Gibson-Banning Method and I immediately began living more true to myself, and what I value.
It felt so good! That’s when I heard about the upcoming course to actually BECOME a coach in this method.
Now that I am a certified coach, I feel so good about having my own business where I show up with all my gifts and talents to serve and bless people!
And best of all, I am completely comfortable charging for my services! I am compensated and appreciated.
I am so grateful for this method and for the support I have received from the team to step out of the shadows and shine.
Thank you SO MUCH!"
Synopsis… “Now I see my choices more clearly and I’m no longer in fix-it mode all the time. I’m also able to calm my mind down and focus on what’s most important to me, and my family.
This has made such a difference in my life that I’m now coaching my husband and grown kids. Which is pretty exciting! I am really super grateful!”
~ Melissa Price – Teen Wellness Coach

"Before I Began with this coaching program I didn’t understand why I continually acted or reacted the way I did.I felt frustrated and unsatisfied in my relationships but mostly with myself.
I heard about this program from a dear friend and began coaching with her for 1.5 years then she told me about this opportunity to get certified and I was all in.
I was hungry for a deeper understanding of the work and the possibility of working with others.
There has been a massive transformation in my life from taking the course!
Beth Banning is a gifted teacher and such an inspiration! I looked forward to every session. I always felt a part of the group and eagerly awaited each nugget."

"When You Think You’ve ‘Done It All’ I was interested in the certification program for a number of reasons. I participated in their first ever workshop 17 years ago, and it was a critical turning point in my journey of self-discovery. I’ve watched their work expand exponentially over the years and very much wanted to be a part of this new program.
As a business owner, I wanted to get into the practice of better communication with my business partner and our staff. I also liked the idea of coaching others.
As expected, the course started out with a “bang” There were many valuable gems in every session. There were too many for to mention in this short testimonial.
Thank you, Beth and Neill, for continuing this path and providing this life-changing work."

"I wanted to start a coaching business but needed instruction and training on how to offer lessons.
This coaching certification program was just what I needed.
It has been rewarding and I have noticed much improvement in myself since first starting the course.
I now feel confident to say I am a coach and to offer this incredible wisdom to others.

"I wanted to learn a coaching program that would help clients understand themselves better. I found it!
This program takes complicated practices and breaks them down into a process that is easy to manage. The Gibson Banning Method allows me to couch my clients through a thought-out process that is easy to digest and see changes.
And I now feel confident in my ability to discuss the benefits of coaching to potential clients."

"I benefited so much from this course!
I learned the mechanics of empathy that I had sensed, but not yet had words for – these teachings met me exactly where I needed to be met. I’m so grateful for the work of Beth and Neil.
The training helped me see how I problem-solve and try to fix rather than connect in the wide-open space of empathy. I needed this info!
Thank you!!"

"I was working on strengthening my energy healing practice and was considering a new direction when I was told about this Coaching Certification. It immediately felt like my missing link.
Using this program has given me a clear approach to help my clients and has helped greatly with my family life as well. I am so grateful for the incredible knowledge and support I have been given from this program and the leaders.
This course is a game changer."
Certified Coach
In short… “I am grateful for this program and how it has helped me. One of my outcomes was to be more connected with myself and God. And that connection has grown exponentially. I'm now more connected to who I am, what I value, and what God has for me. I'm grateful for my life every day.”
~ Cynthia Seegmiller Gough

"I had been trying to build a business for years, but wasn’t really getting where I knew I needed to be, to serve more women.
I am so happy I chose to get certified because I’m seeing my clients, my loved ones and me truly gain freedom, thanks to this simple intuitive structured system of teaching. I’m now capable to confidently help women break free from the prisons of their mind.
I’m grateful for the time, care and support that Beth provided me throughout this process."
Sabrina Marise
Soul Recovery Coach

“ I never thought in a million years I would certify as a coach. I always told people I was a mentor not a coach. I had a negative association with the word coach. Now that I am certified in the Gibson Banning Method, my relationship with that word is much different.
It has helped me see differently. I have literally taken off my old, cloudy lenses and put on some new fresh ones. I have realized how I have lived my life through a skewed perspective.
This 18 week course teaches distinctions that are simple, profound, and once seen you can't on see. I have new choices now.”
~ Maria Elena Walden Olson
Briefly… "I got certified in April of 2020 and since then I have watched my clients grow and transform their lives. Overcoming fears and blocks that have kept them stuck... This work has also transformed my life, I have seen many areas where I have also overcome blocks and fears. I am thankful to have found the Gibson Banning Method and Beth. This methodology is amazingly comprehensive, organized, thoughtful and inspiring and it truly, truly works to transform lives
And Beth, thank you for being there as we went through our certification, helping us one on one and in small groups to really be the best coaches we could be, You truly care about the people that you are teaching.
You're making a hugely positive difference in the world and I am very proud to be a part of your team."
~ Michelle Thurman Elrod – Certified Coach

"This certification has been the single most impactful, instructional, and useful education I have ever received.
I am more emotionally stable, empowered, clear on my purpose and life’s goals, and WAY happier than before I began.
The crazy part? I already thought I was all those things!!!
Un-freaking-believable results. Next question: when I’m ready to launch a training for my own coaches, PLEASE tell me this will be available!!
I cannot imagine teaching anyone to coach through using any other method.
This is the most dynamic, user friendly, life-changing training I’ve ever done! (Including my college degrees….)"

"After losing a significant amount of weight, I started to struggle with the emotions that started me to eat in the first place.
As I worked through the Gibson Banning Method certification program the puzzle pieces fell into place.
I could see that combining a weight loss program with the Gibson Banning method would be a powerful combination.
I now feel empowered to help others in a beautiful way. Thank you for your support, guidance and encouragement.
Also, my clients are seeing immediate results that are transforming their lives. Being certified I feel more confident in charging what I’m worth. I am thrilled to have found this course. It is changing lives! Thank you!"
Synopsis… "Working with Beth was like coming home to myself. The Gibson Banning Method gave me a solid anchor wherever I had doubts and fears and mindset struggles.
Through this program, I started building true confidence and I was able to charge more money than I ever thought was possible and become the mom that I always wanted to be.
I eliminated drama from my life and I was always thinking that I had to be more than just me. Now I have a core of peace and wisdom and I don't have to prove myself to people in order to be good enough.
And I'm so grateful.
I love you Beth and I encourage anyone who's wanting to work with Beth to go for it."
~ Tessa Aranda – Certified Coach